Monday, January 9, 2012


ROADMAP TO THE UNITY OF THE FAITH (PART 2): What is all these nonsense about?


A wise man once candidly opined that “there is always nonsense before sense.” Do you agree? I quite agree and I will tell you the reason for this.
We are stuck in an age of great greed ever. None like it yet and the self-centeredness of humanity is coming to the saturated point of climax. This innate and inherent propensity crates no room for common sense thus making it look like its not sporadic (common). We can deduce therefore that common sense is not common since it’s not found I common places and a times lost among the knowledgeable and wise. It’s not found in common places and faces in other words.
This was what thus informed the sub-topic: WHAT IS ALL THE NONSENSE ABOUT? This leads me to the discourse.
Three major FAITHS or RELIGIOUS persuasions revere MONOTHEISM in its absolute entirety. In predating order it ensues thus: JUDAISM (so termed by the Jews or the Israelites), CHRISTIANITY (the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets in the Judaic dispensation), and ISLAM (the way of peace as received by the Holy Prophet Mohammed SAW). All three are same brothers from the same origin who are at variant opinion which led to parting on diverse liturgy, sacraments of worship and need I mention more for the sake of words, time and space? However the onus of the assignment here and beyond is to bring out what God laid on my heart so as to make all concerned fruitful in understanding. The first understanding is that they are all brothers fro the same family tree.  One progenitor is responsible for all of them and he is the progenitor of their faith – Father Abraham. None can deny the cardinal importance of Abraham to their belief or faith as fundamental to their creed.  If there is this denial, there will definitely be a wide vacuum which absolutely relegates that religion or faith to doctrines of legends, fables or myths – worse than the philosophies of Men.
That being well established, Abraham had two sons – Ishmael (meaning: the Lord heard and called Ismail by the Muslims in Arabic) who was born by Sarah (which means Laughter) called Izak or Isak by the Arabs or Muslims was later born to Abraham by Sarah (Abraham’s Wife). These two sons in their lifetime had twelve or sons princes each. Isaac had twin sons; Esau and Jacob of which Jacob was later divinely renamed Israel (which means – the prince with power both with God and with Men Genesis 32:28). He was the one instrumental in having the twelve sons who later became tribes from Isaac’s lineage. The tribeship only became possible as they grow into a Nation. They would perhaps have had slight variation in their Hebrew language else why the use of the WORD TRIBE. Is it just for difference of identity?
Now Ishmael also had his twelve sons who were later referred to as THE TWELVE PRINCES OF ARABIAN PENINSULA (Genesis 25:12-18). It was from this growing Nations of Arabs that the Holy Prophet Mohammed SAW emanated from as an indigene about 500 years after the CHRISTIAN FAITH was in existence and powerfully growing. Without doubt was driven by inquisition and not poverty or frustration as a growing young man. At twenty five years of age he was already a wealthy man through marriage to a widow of forty something years of age. He was against the pervading idolatry, anarchy, decadence, lawlessness, corruption and oppression of the under-privileged in the vicinity at large as a whole. He got vexed against this barbaric lifestyle of the Arabian Peninsula at that time. More vexing was the concentration on it to his gross observation everyday since it was close to his environs. His inquisition is that there must be more to life than just eating, drinking, enjoying yourself, having retinue of servants at your beck and call, and there is so much imbalance and inequity amongst his people. He resolves to find a way out of the garbage enveloping his people. This acted as impetus in seeking God’s face more and more and one day the message of ISLAM was brought to him as a revelation by the Angel Jibril which is called in Hebrew, Gabriel. According to the practitioners of the faith, Islam means PEACE: Thus the way of peace was born. Thus far the point has been far buttressed that Abraham is the father of our faith. This fatherhood is entrenched in the factual truth that the covenant God made with him as one who believe Him to the absolute binds us all whether as JUDAISTS, CHRISTIANS, and OR MUSLIMS (MOSLEMS).  Do we all agree? If you don’t, then this is the GREATEST problem the world is facing today – variance of opinion. What is all the nonsense about? Now behold the agent of change and the agents of confusion.
Let me begin with a close look at the issue mentioned from above about agents. A close scrutiny will reveal to you that those who cause this rancor are those who are worshippers of God for remote self-aggrandizement of all sorts. This is devoid of whether they understand the Holy Scriptures well enough or not. It has nothing to do with it because we have all witnessed well informed minds becoming clever devils in our past and recent history. These genres of people are present in all three religious persuasions, voicing and lecturing what they do not properly know; let alone understand. When you get to understand a thing, you become WISE, which is being able to use knowledge positively. We need to understand these mischief makers for us all to approach them either two ways just as 2 peter 1:18-21 and 2:1-22 describes and not leaving out Jude 1:3-25. They gave vivid light to how we should handle selfish double dealers in our religious persuasions.
The three major monotheistic religious persuasions also agree on the authenticity and divinity of the TORAH 9the patriarchs, the Law, and the prophets)! Father Abraham was a prophet (Genesis 20:7). All the three of the persuasions agree to this fact as the Muslims all call him Anobi Ibrahim. Islam is especially an offshoot of Judaism fundamental principles. It’s a major influence on it. However, has anyone ever bothered to search out the true intention and longing of God our maker (Proverbs 25:2)? Where are the spiritually unbiased searcher and researchers of our time?
Back to my previous point above. The point is: All three persuasions agree and practice the Torah. If you disagree, PLEASE DON’T BOTHER TO GO READING DOWN ANY FURTHER. I BEG YOU IN GOD’S HOLY NAME IF YOU REVERE HIM. Reason is that there will be no basis (foundation) for the understanding to be fruitful enough to grasp THIS UNITY OF THE FAITH ROAD MAP. Reference will be made to the Torah which is also known to Christians as THE OLD TESTAMENT. Are we ready? Here we go!
In the Book of Psalms chapter 40:6-10 it was recorded that it was spoken of by the prophet about the MESSIAH (Hebrew word for GREAT SAVIOUR) as coming to carry out the greatest assignment ever. In the Book of Hebrews 10:1 and 5-10 the Holyghost inspired writer was confirming the intents of God as fulfilled; however, people need to understand the prophecy before being aware of its fulfillment. So if the Messiah was predicted as coming, why entertain the variance among our brothers. We allow this variance due to bellyaching mischief makers who do not understand what they practice or are into it for greedy selfish reasons to divide us and knock us off course. Only Holy Scriptures can interpret Holy Scriptures for clarity and vivid understanding (Peter 1:20-21). Every statement herein made has its authentic proofs in counter religious practices that are Judaism and Islam. 1 Peter 1:10-20 said that even the prophets that were used to prophecy longed and wished for the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecy in their time, thus they were eager to see it. Verse 20 of the same chapter said that “it was fore-ordained to be from the foundation or before the foundation of the world” which is something to meditate on. Please meditate on it so that you will be rich in all understanding. Those who do not have understanding will be ignorant and sin against what they do not know. I am so far endeavouring to dissect this to you prayerfully.
Psalms 40:6-10 is not the only scriptural passage enlightening us about the person, divinity, and authenticity of the Messianic coming as a physical personality. Psalms 22 and Psalms 50:5-15 sheds more light on this. Verse 15 of the same chapter 50 of Psalms says that He will deliver you when you call on Him in the day of besieged trouble (salvation – only the Messiah which means GREAT SAVIOUR can save or bring salvation). It’s the same word known as ‘to deliver’ or ‘deliverance.’ Micah 6:6-15, especially 6:6, 7 drives my point home in this discourse. Isaiah 1:11-31, Jeremiah 6:19-23, Amos 5:21-27 are other scriptures relevant. Please read meditatively. Truth has never sunk deep into people’s hearts by haste. So I am not hasty.
From the last few scriptures if you read it and it’s a must read if you must understand what we are talking about, the Messiah’s coming for His universal assignment was in prophecy as scripture documents yet still rejected even in the prophecy. This was the rejection by the Jews and not only the Jews but the whole human race and whosoever still reject Him. This was what the Holy saint Stephen was explaining to them in Acts 7:1-60 till the Jews acted stiff-necked and then dragging him outside stoned him to sleep (death). The scriptures said he slept as they stoned him to death and he prayed God not to put the sin in their account. He saw where he was going. Heaven opened and he saw Jesus Christ standing by the right hand of God and then his face shone like an Angel’s. They saw all these as he was explaining to them but yet acted foolishly. How are we any better today as many as are still stiff-necked? The murderous spirit took the better part of their reasoning - Religious bigots and fundamentalists. Are we going to keep killing ourselves from today? We have to be careful of them and expose them. Stephen was stoned to sleep to eternal life. He was falsely accused of a preconspired blasphemous charge in ACTS 6:7-15 just to shut down the move of God. Please read and see what ignorance has been causing us all and the reasons behind it most times.
Consequences followed the rejection of the Messiah (SAVIOUR). They felt the Messiah is an earthly inclined to salvage them from the jaws of their colonial masters – THE ROMANS. They felt that God’s way is their way thus their reaction to Stephen comes up in their character. It is the battle of supremacy so to speak: The ideology that they belong to God through a covenant with their Fathers. They believed that no other race has this privilege forgetting what God told Abraham in the Torah in Genesis 12:1-3. God is the God of all and wants Mankind to be reconciled to Him. Thus He had to design a proper plan and perfect way to make this a reality so that we can live a life pleasing to Him. They obviously forgot or decided to forget to take that page along from God’s perspective thus they never saw a clear picture but themselves alone in the eternal plan and purpose of God. Premeditation and prejudice precedes alienation from God. So regardless of the manifestation of the PROMISED AND PROPHESIED MESSIAH IN THE TORAH, as spoken by the prophets in Isaiah 11:1-5, Isaiah 9:6-7; they were still stubborn about their ways. It grew into their avid thirst for freedom and deliverance from their colonialists and oppressors (Roman Imperialism), was the fuel acting as impetus for their engine. Obviously this was not God’s divine plan. In fact it will limit God’s plan for the entire Human Race to a local Israel and God in His infiniteness cannot be localized to a race since he’s the “God of all” Job 12:10. Israel as a Nation was blinded by their earthly quest for deliverance at that time, whereas their real deliverance known to God and all mankind’s disease as well is oppression from sin, rebellion against God, and the covenant. So their ultimate sin still plaguing them now is the rejection of the Messiah. Its nothing but rebellion for the promise of God foretold and they are to face the proper penalty. And not only them but all who do same. Through prophecy it was foretold from the infinite realm that as a RECONCILIATION OF ALL MANKIND through the Messiah. The Jews missed this and the blessing ensuing from accepting it. That’s why the western world will continue to give them disguised freedom from the Middle East tussle. They are bureaucratically and diplomatically exploited. If this is their temporary punishment, then how much more those who reject the Messiah again.
So clearly if you are following this journey, God’s plan through Abraham was beyond his descendants called the Jews or Israel (Genesis 18:17-19; 12:3; 22:15-18) God reiterated this covenant to his son Isaac (Genesis 26:4,5) and likewise Isaac’s son Jacob in his time of distress Genesis 28:13-18, God reiterates, that means it’s a serious issue (Psalms 62:11). It’s for your sakes I make references to the scriptures because I am addressing a wide audience and not all are Bible scholars. It’s the word of God and not mine. I’m pointing the Way for us all totally believe whatever God’s divinely inspired plan is in His word and what it says. That the planned purpose and intention of God will be scuttled or halted is absolutely impossible because once God make a covenant or promise which is to Father Abraham that “in you will all the nations of the earth be blessed,” as seen in the preceding scriptures precisely Genesis 12:1-3; He makes good His promise. PLEASE READ THOSE SCRIPTURES IF YOU HAVE NOT. In John 12:35-41 references were made as prophecies from one of the most illustrious prophets of the Bible in the Old Testament which we call the Torah; Isaiah was being fulfilled in the very presence of these folks in Isaiah 53:1, 6:10. In John 13:18 is the fulfillment of the Psalms 41:9 and 55:12-15 were some example of fulfilled scriptural prophecies as regards the Messiah. There are people who choose to be adamant which make them fall in the class of those who fulfill Isaiah 53:1 and 6:10 in our time. Please choose not to be in this class. I choose not to be in this class and I implore you to believe in the absoluteness of the Holy Scriptures. Please read John 5:37-47, Deuteronomy 18:15-22; everything the Messiah spoke and was also foretold came to pass. It will be requited as judgement for those who do not hearken to and believe in it! Come to think of it, is it difficult to believe? For example, don’t we believe in our parents when they tell us something as children? Was it hard? Did we have to check their integrity, honesty, loyalty, truth, sincerity even if they are sincerely wrong at times? We still believe them absolutely. Then why is it hard to believe these scriptures that are for those who find themselves in this status. Why oh?! Why?! Why should it be hard to believe the perfect?
The sweetest plan of God the Father of Light and Glory, the Father of all flesh and God of all spirits has for us is that through the Father of our Faith Abraham; the Messiah will come forth. It will culminate into the fulfillment of the God’s purposeful agenda making Him sovereign using the words of His servants. That was why He used the Torah as a witness through the Jews. The Jews attempted to make this purpose their exclusive inheritance led to the downfall of Jerusalem by A.D 70 as foretold by the Messiah Himself 40 years before the event. Nobody stands in GOD’S way because He is loves mankind to much 1 John 4:1-end, Psalms 8:4-9, Psalms 95:7-11. Besides His order is Mankind after our being cut off from Him due to SIN. From this you have clearly seen that God’s Way of reaching out to us back after the fall of Mankind into sin is RELATIONSHIP by RECONCILIATION AS AGAINST religion (which is Man’s way of trying to get to God or Divinity). We are the ones who need Him always and He knows that He is the one with the perfect design for us. That’s why a renowned wise man Dr. Myles Monroe once submitted about God’s Government or Kingdom during one of his teachings: “I am not religious, but I am related to my Creator.” Are you related to your creator or you are religious?
The PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE consequences of our variant ways of interpreting our tenets, creeds and Holy Scriptures will be answerable by us all. What we will all answer for at the last day of resurrection is the same thing we are all striving for: TO PLEASE GOD! The approved way? If we want this done, then being religious is not the way out, cause it has caused more havoc from dogma than good over the centuries gone by. The commandment of LOVE is the key. That is the only way we can please God (John 4:8, 3:15-17, 2:4). If you love God you will overcome his commandment summarized as LOVE (DEUTERONOMY 6:4-9). Love is the KEY and that’s what the Messiah came to do so as to reconcile Mankind back to God and Godly passion, pleasure and principles.
JUDAISTS, CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS all believe in the Messiah and His coming to the earth for this major assignment. Reason is that I believe that no monotheistic relationship with our Father God can be complete without the undeniable belief, agreement and followership of the infallibility of what has been thus discussed so far. In recent times I overheard an Imam charging his followers or listeners that if they don’t believe in the infallibility and divinity of the Messiah (SAVIOUR) who happens to be Jesus Christ, their faith and salvation is incomplete because the Holy Prophet Highly endorsed and honoured Him in all ramifications. This gladdened my heart a whole lot that our unity of the faith may come in a way not regimentally acceptable to the present belief system. It has just begun. The Al Quran documents Him as Isa. John 1:11-13, says as many as either received Him or believe in Him, He gave them power to become the sons of God. He gave them power to be saved from all depriving situation because he that has the power of God is saved. Just believe my dear readers. It’s easy to believe as much as breathing is to living. As easy as getting hungry and drinking water; just believe for your sakes. None of the three religious belief systems deny the Messiah. His assignment is for us to live in LOVE (John 3:16). This is God’s will for us all. If we learn to live in love of ourselves every passing day we will walk in RELATIONSHIP which is being related to Him and ourselves; and well relatable to ourselves as well. The world will be in harmony. It’s very possible for with God nothing shall be impossible. This is the world that we can create rather than variant opinionated attitudes by same brothers (relatives).
Finally, in every generation and national life over the ages, God sends a witness for Him to be fully justified though he can do as He pleases as we find in Psalms 135:6. Notwithstanding, He sends His Holy Apostles and Prophets as a witness against any generation and dispensation (Luke 11:49-54, Matthew 23:31-39). It is my utmost prayer that my readers and listeners will not get to be on the wrong side of God in judgement (Read 1 Timothy3:16, John 1:2,14). God be with you all to the end in Jesus name! AMEN!

My authority is the Word of God.


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Tuesday, June 29, 2010


The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world......... let us appreciate our mothers always. JESUS WAS A CHILD ONCE LIKE ME.
A new age has been set on momentum course. The age of information freedom.
Most people possess data for kingdom exploits through scriptural practice.
However, close periscope would bring home the truth practiced, if it's well
divided through the aid of the HOLYGHOST. By this I mean graphical objectivity through our helper andcomforter (Eloi Para Cletus) HOLY SPIRIT. Without him involved in your scriptural research and study, it would look like trying to fall a mountain by throwing frustrating snowballs at it.

Thus I most reluctantly won't release my manuscripts written way back 2000
A.D. they are prophetic signposts in nature. Roadmaps to the ultimate
destination of the 'Ecclesia' in the eternal plan of God. That is, the body
of Christ
' on earth/ I'm not by chance referring to 'Ekklesia Magazine' O!
My reluctance has always stemmed from the need to get a 'go ahead' to
release it for publishing. The timeliness.

I've heard from close quarters about the new trend of the spirit waving
current. The currency of the spirit now flows in the direction of a value
called 'unity' or 'unity of the faith message'. Several times I've been
accosted and quizzed on this issue and my reply has always been in the
scriptural light. The truth that sanctifies and foundational or fundamental
to the unity of the faith is personified in Christ Jesus (John 14:6, 16:7,
17:17 & 19). It's that what binds the body of Christ together. The word of
God – the Truth restored is very crucial to the move of unity. I have been
able, through God's infinite wisdom amplified the roadmap to proper
understanding. Restoration of Truth, revival of hungry hearts for this, and
maturity to sonship manifestation (Roman 8). Please get a Bible and read it.
Acts 3:21 say Jesus will be held up in heaven until the restitution (some
versions says restoration) of all things spoken by the prophets. Until that
happens, there's no 'until we come together to maturity and unity of the
faith' our hearts are not in proper shape, so you need to be restored to the
Truth, by the Truth! Our hearts need to be reformed to restored to
restoration of Truth.

But the hungry for the power of unity often see the view as a share waste of
effort. They always opine that educating and re-orientating is not the key.
Rather, hit the nail on the head. By the wisdom of God, I say this; if the
'knowledge of the Glory of the Lord' shall cover or fill the earth as the
waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14, Isaiah 11:9, 65:25). Then knowledge and
schooling is very imperative. We need to be schooled in this Truth.
Training! A child that has grown into adolescence or puberty from wrong
habits has imbibed and formed a habitual behavior. It continues this way
until the child grown up decides to get educated to reform this behaviour. A
new habit gives new behaviour. You reform to get a new form. The process of
reformation is achieved by restoration of Truth. Its futile and continuous
subjection to 'futility of vainness' of attempts are just made to unity of
faith without the discipline of Truth. Otherwise, how do you hope that a
grown child would trade places with a former habit for a new one? He must
see strong reasons and value for the change. The worth must be crystal

Wisdom is calling the movers and shakers of this newfound love, to thread the
path through a road. I'm trusting God to use my faculties to properly
elucidate this notion in graphical perspective this I would do justice to,
for the benefit of all concerned. I hope my brethren in close quarters will
stay correctible, reachable and teachable. Sulking over who is 'holier than
thou' and 'holier than who' is an ill wind. Amen!

For starters, we are the wisdom that brings down the heavenly experience. In
this angle, we can't afford the price of not getting the pattern right. It
we don't, no way out. We have to get it right. We are the salt of the earth;
but when the seasonal looses its sensitivity to its season and potency to
season to…oops! It's no more the salt, but *INSULT *of the earth. How sad
and bad can it get? Then we set sail to achieve unity through
extra-scriptural means, hoping it creates the right atmosphere. When they're
not enthused and passion-driven…and no ACTS OF THE….you know what I mean.
Its not a good sight, really at all. When there's no doer of the word
proclaimed, no results. Doership indeed is by the spirit, because Jesus has
said so (John 4:24) (in spirit and in Truth) that's the admission criteria.
Thank God He used me to deal with this in 'Break out of synagogue mentality'
in a previous edition. Get to read it either in the mag or as a bulletin.
It's simply free! Please permit me to say that you should endeavour to
appreciate, support and pray for those who labour and proclaim the Truth for
your heritage.

Your heritage of possess and maturity. Do all you can to support us if you
have been a True worshipper of God in Spirit and in Truth.

The doubt of unity is the doubt of total faith. If you doubt unity reality
then examine if you are really in faith. If you are not, then you will get
proper admission through this medium. Faith is: if the word of God says; I
believe it and that settles it. It will surely happen no matter what.

So don't wait to waste. Factors of doubt are the inability to answer the
question of 'how'? "How shall this thing be?' Luke 1:34. In as much as all
things impossible has become possible with God and God is as sure as His
word; then unity of the faith is possible. Jesus (the word of God
personified) discussed it emphatically in John 17 before heading to the
cross. If there's no Christian experience or Sonship without the cross, then
there's no Jesus second coming (J2C) without the operating system of a
glorious united church. A united body of Christ without spot, stains blemish
or wrinkle.

Imagine a body in divided or fragmented form. Use a natural sense of
reasoning for once. Do you suppose that body can do something meaningful
together let alone attract something good?

Anytime righteousness must be established, reformation must precede
restoration. Revival takes place just before people get restoration because
the willingness and awaken must be evident before its educated for Truth.
(Psalm 110:1-3). Unity follows suit as a mother after her children. But the
lingering question, 'how?' I shall tell it in Garth, openly upon the
mountains. Get more on reformation, revival, restoration and more in next

For this piece, I shall discuss how God's awesome GRACE will achieve unity.
It's not my word; it's God's word. Everything is going to be by the Book of
Books. So don't quote me; quote the WORD! After this, it's left for you to
accept the liability and responsibility to turn this truth to assets for
you. Piece this knowledge together. It's my prayer that your understanding
is made fruitful with Godly insight. AMEN!

Let me commence with Psalm 133:1-3: it's a unity chapter in the old
Testament Verse 1 was articulated with an exclamation. It's an emphatic
shout to drive the message home. What's the content of this shout? It
depicts the benefits and pleasantness of people of the same bloodline and
origin to walk and live in UNITY! The writer went on in verse 2 that it's
like a valuable ointment or oil upon the head, running down upon the beard
of Aaron.

It runs down to the skirts of his robe or garments! It was said with a shout
once more in this verse 2. I don't want to delve into the meaning of
ointment or oil. But I want us to consider vividly the word 'precious' which
qualifies it. It means a thing of priceless value. Beyond highly esteemed
worth. So if this is the unity we've been missing, what a miss! Why isn't it
coming forth? Valuability attracts creation into one place, so why isn't it
happening? You see, if people don't see the same thing-eye to eye, its no
use. It can't be mechanically made real. Unity can't happen until we see eye
to eye. Seeing the same thing! That's why it must flow from the head! Who is
the head? Jesus of course: the head of the body of Christ or priest(s)
(priesthood), because 1Peter 2:9,10 tells me so. Our priesthood is of a
royal origin since the sanctifier and the sanctified are of SAME ORIGIN
Hebrews 2:11 and 12. For this reason, Aaron was used to symbolize in the old
covenant pointing the New Testament reality. (Psalm 133). From time
immemorial, UNITY has been calling from obscurity to the sons of men – now,
sons of God! Once we were not God's people, but we are. Hearken to the cry

Use your imaginative power to picture a long beard with robe gladded on him.
Then visualize oil running from his head to his beard and down to his
garment edge (skirts of his garment). The head is Christ and also the
custodians of the move. Hebrews 3:1. It runs down to the beard: this depicts
maturity. The virtues and Gifting in the body must take us to maturity.
Small boys don't grow beards. It's expected that you behave according to
your beards. Our nature must grow beards. We must embrace maturity so that
we're no more tossed by tempests and panic-stricken by stormy winds of
doctrines (strange beliefs). Ephesians 4:12-16. Please, read it with deep
understanding. It's your possession!

Maturity ushers in sonship! Sons see themselves as brothers. Maturity is the
salient hallmark of sonship. When our gifting grows beards and those who are
leaders embrace maturity, the body of Christ will register restored
identity. We thus must allow these Truths to restore us to one identity. Its
not just for us, but it's all for the Father, God. His ultimate plan is that
His love for man and creation must culminate into perfect fulfillment. sons
sees themselves as brothers.

When I say sons, it's not a gender thing here. There's neither male nor
female in our nature as regards kingdom function and affairs. If anyone
wants to prove otherwise, contact me. No chauvinism here depicted. Sonship
is the child in Revelation 12:5 who is to rule with a rod of iron. So I'm
talking about our functional nature, not GENDER SELECTION! Our nature is
rulership. It's kingdom in nature. Rod of Iron is our functional nature! OUR

Our recognition of Sonship gives us a sense of one family (Psalm 133:1,
Hebrews 2:11,12, Ephesians 3:14) God is the God of family, please Read
Ephesians 3:14). Since the natural family values and system failed from
time, He's not ASHAMED to call us BROTHERS OR BRETHREN! Christ is not
ASHAMED of us. Are we aware of this all the while? Then we must embrace

So until we get into maturity and take discipline with correction instead of
sulking like milk feeding babies, no sonship let alone manifestation. It's
when you become, that you can manifest. Roman 8. The whole world must see
our identity as non-contrasting, non-contradictory, non-controversial,
before we can rap up the plan of eternal purpose. Look let me tell all of us
something. Not all of you, but all of us. JESUS CHRIST is not coming back
until certain things take center-stage. Don't deceive yourself and anyone!
No reformation, no revival! No revival, no restoration! No restoration, no
maturity! No maturity, no UNITY OF THE FAITH! Why? Let me put it this way, NO SONSHIP, NO UNITY! That's why. I mean how can you get to the UNITY OF THE FAITH (Ephesians
4:13), which is seeing and believing the same Truth without having an innate
consciousness of ONE ORIGIN ONE FAMILY! MY GOD! The same chapter of
Ephesians 4 says we are of ONE FATHER, GOD! (Verses 5,6). Sincerely ask
yourself the honest question: Do I treat my Kingdom brethren with real
bloodline affection?

When these happen, we can manifest the JOEL chapter 2 Army. An army fights
as a single impenetrable unit. If you don't work as a UNIT (team and
teamwork) it reveals LACK OF UNITY. The UNIT that ask for Y is UNITY: UNIT +

When team is at work, it results in TEAMWORK! Sons have a sense of teamwork,
see themselves as brothers, see themselves as a family, and have a sense of
maturity. All these influence them for one singular reason: To see one
purpose and value system. ONE! Not two or more, but ONE!

Do I still sound abstract? Like my idea is being beamed from another planet?
I shall make you see the clear practicality of this Roadmap. It's so real.
All the while long, God our Father has solved the entire problem. The
carriers of light must stop making it look like out-a-space experience. It's
as real as your existence, my readers. This is it: Acts 7:1, Stephen
witnessed against the religions routine of the day. It was a testimony
against their legalistic way of making God's values a mirage. My verses of
concern are verses 1 to 4: from verse 1: talked about Abraham forming a new
family by leaving his family in obedience to the God of Glory. The dynamics
of God has always been: LEAVE TO CLEAVE. A man shall LEAVE so that he can
CLEAVE! Now, in ABRAHAM, we got a new family. Where does a family settle? A
HOME, not a HOUSE. A HOME typifies the activities and values that guide and
take place inside an enclave called a house. A HOUSE is a structure for
shelter. A family is all about HOME – A place of sense of belonging and
warmth. The place that builds confidence for boldness and faith over all
situations to rule with a rod of Iron! Now I am bursting it loose: The
Church started from the home setting and will be the instrument to end the
generational concupiscence of our time. From Abraham to Christ and to the
Church, the home is the place. When this message reforms us, home will be
the pivot of sonship manifestation. Abraham came from a home (family). Went
out to consecrate him to start a new home to please God's purpose. David,
Eli, failed in their home (family). We didn't learn the lessons too quickly
so we allowed the enemy shift our focus away from the unity in ACTS OF THE
APOSTLES as they went from house to house. Jesus the reality of sonship –
THE WAY WHO MADE 'PEOPLE OF THE WAY', was born in a proper HOME (family).

Church had officially started from HOME (family). Mary was His earthy
mother; Joseph: His foster father, and God is His DADDY! REAL DADDY. Hope you're still
following here? Now to scripture: in John 14:21-23 Jesus said that those who
love Him and keep His word (not like a goalkeeper, but doers of it), He and
His father will manifest (do you see manifestation?) to him and make His
HOME with him! (Verse 23). Now you see MANIFESTATION AND HOME RELATED. Isn't
this striking that Jesus taught this before touching UNITY in John 17?
Think? Doesn't it all make good and perfect sense? No wonder Jesus met with
them at a particular garden called Gethsemane. A HOME. No wonder they were
in one accord in an upper room (HOME). Do we really follow Jesus? Oneness
started from the HOME! That is, it's a family value we must practice and
imbibe if we're to reach UNITY! (Acts 2:1-4). They continued in the
apostle's doctrine from house to house (home to home) and ….oh my God! Just
read it. Acts 2:42-47. It was when they now heard the word after this that
they were cut to their hearts. (Acts 2:37). It was then they had power with
God and with men. This is the word that will reform hearts with power, but
get the pattern correct. It starts from with in us. Our hearts reformed. We
can't transform the world without our hearts being reformed. Joel says rend
your hearts not your garments! (Joel 2:12&13). Obedient is non-negotiable,
grace has been given since resurrection. Just obey. Do it! It continued in
Acts 4:32-37. Please see something in Acts 3:24: All the prophets proclaimed
these days not this day, but THESE DAYS: A series of events that must unfold
like a real life drama. This leads us back to Acts 3:21. Just read it. The

Aquila, fellow workers in Christ Jesus. The greeting was endless. Romans
16:3,4,5,7-10,11,13; 1 Corinthians 16:7-19 especially verse 19.

I beseech you by the mercies of Christ Jesus; let these words sink into you
deeply. Its life and abundant peace overflowing. It refreshes. It's able to
deliver us from the decadence of family, youthful delinquency, corrupt
practices, social vices, and more. The Gospel that uncharted regions will be
receptive to will come from ONE BODY, ONE SPIRIT, from ONE FAMILY (HOMES)
with SAME (ONE, UNITED) VALUE under ONE FATHER! That's the church that will
rap things. God be praised! Take this as a personal assignment: find out
from the Scriptures the benefits of UNITY.

Michael Odu uses the PRESENT TRUTH Avenue as a platform to disseminate the
foundational Truth of Christ to connect the promise of Sonship, priesthood
and Unity of the faith. He runs his flour confectionary and pastries
business with cutting-edge excellence in Lagos, Nigeria.

You can reach him on 234-7041111957, 234-8135883360. E-mail: OR
Appointments & counseling available after partnership, financial
partnership, healing, and more are open to you. Hope to hear from you all.

God bless, enrich and give you deep insight to see and understand. God
really create the willing hunger and thirst for doership so that Grace for
obedience will be effervescence in you for all to see Amen!