The Ten Deadly Lies of Christendom

Text in Light Blue or bold Light Blue can be "clicked" for backup in scripture or detail in writings.
How could lies be a part of Christendom?
Lie Number 1. What Jesus Offers is to Escape Hell
That is like saying, Jesus offers you a way to not be punished. Doesn't that sound more like a threat than a gift? Well, it is a threat, and it is a lie.
Jesus offers a gift to everyone far, far more than man can even imagine; but Christendom has made the gospel and hope hollow, replacing it with lies. What Jesus is offering us in this life is to be rid of our sinful nature: to no longer be subject to rage, anger, lust, greed, pride, depression, drunkenness, immoral sexual desires, habitual bondages, lying, cheating, hating, etc.; and when we get rid of our selfish nature, God offers to replace it with his nature and spirit of: love, peace, joy, faith, kindness, gentleness, goodness, humility, patience, self-control, and righteousness.
He offers himself to us, (to become a part of him, and he to join with us), in exchange for us giving him ourselves. We give him everything we have; he gives us everything he has in return. Here are a few of the promises, that he wishes to become your hope of attaining because such hope releases the heart-and-soul-purifying grace through our faith in God's promises: (click on the light blue text to see the scripture proof)
And how do we realize our hope? To sit at Jesus' feet and listen to his word is the one thing needed by any who wish to experience the promises of the Bible:
Jesus was not reading scriptures to Mary, he was speaking to her; we must hear him speak to us too: the words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life. John 6:63; his words spoken are spirit and impart the life of God to us, if we hear and obey them. We must go to him. We must wait on him - listen silently, with the humility of a sinner in need of his changing power - grace. We must listen - hear - and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. James 1:21. Daily we must seek, listen,, listen,, listen, obey. We must endure to the end, when we see Christ bring our salvation.

To sit quietly, struggling with your mind to listen, is a cross to your will; to obey is a cross to your will — denying your will, and yielding to thy will be donethis is the inward cross of self-denial. Do this, and you are carrying your cross, following Jesus.
For more on the true hope, see the Chapters of John 14 and John 17, including reading the commentary at the bottom of each chapter.
Lie Number 2. To be saved is to be saved from going to Hell.
By grace you are saved; but saved from what? Not Hell, but rather saved from your sins: he shall save his people from their sins. Mat 1:21. Christendom would have you believe that Christ excuses you from all sin, so you can sin guilt-free. If Christ saves us from guilt, then he makes sin easier. If Christ makes sin easier, then he promotes sin. If he promotes sin, then Christ is evil. If he is evil, he is not Christ; therefore he does not save people from their guilt of sin; only the devil impersonating Christ saves people from the guilt of their sins.

One who thinks Christ's blood allows him to continue in his sins, without the fury of God coming down on him, has trodden under foot the Son of God, and has counted the blood of the covenant with which he was sanctified an unholy thing, and has acted with spite [contempt] to the Spirit of grace? Heb 10:29. See, the false church makes his blood count as an excuse for evil, making his blood an unholy thing, and so trample on Jesus and show contempt for grace.
Christendom's doctrine is the doctrine of the devil who told Adam and Eve: you can be like God, knowing good and evil; and they ate expecting to become wise, to be able to decide what was good and what was bad, to be able to make their own decisions, to be able to live their lives like they chose, including sin. So any doctrine that tells you God will accept you into heaven while you are still a slave to sin, (truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin. John 8:34), is the doctrine of the old devil in disguise. To go to heaven, we must be restored to being continually guided and led by the Spirit of God. To walk by your carnal mind, which is enmity with God, and by the imagination of your heart is worse that worshipping stone or wooden idols. Jer 16:11-12. Jesus expelled Satan from heaven because of his sin. Jesus expelled Adam and Eve from paradise because of their sin. Jesus has not changed and does not change; he did not allow sin or sinners in heaven then, and he will not allow sin or sinners in heaven now, or in the future. Sin has to go before you can enter heaven; nothing that is unclean or defiles will enter heaven.

Christ forgives sins of the past, and forgives the sins while someone is actively seeking his heart-and-soul-purifying grace; but seeking must be with his whole heart, as the first priority of his life. If a believer is not seeking to be freed from sin, if that believer does not feel guilt for his sins, which motivates him to seek the purifying grace of God, then that believer is condemned; and if such a believer dies in his sins, he will be banned from heaven, as the following scriptures severely warn:
To be saved, means to be saved from your sins, which then results in you entering the kingdom of heaven, and escaping Hell. But you cannot escape Hell if you die without having been delivered, or freed, from your sins while still on earth. Christendom will tell you that no man can be free from sin while on earth, but that is just the devil ignoring the scriptures:
To preach being saved from Hell, vs. being saved from your sins, is a subtle but horrible lie. It started with the apostasy of the church adulterating with the kings of the earth, the emperors of Rome, becoming a state sponsored religion, under the control and dictates Constantine, Justinian the despot and Theodosius I, who enacted a law in 380 AD establishing Roman Catholic Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire. The crushing boot of the Empire's sponsored Roman religion was used to persecute and kill the true church.
Then the false church began to frighten the masses into becoming their paying customers, threatening Hell, and ignoring any requirement to be rid of sin. Why? Because the leaders of Christendom's false church were still locked into sin themselves and could not even believe it was possible; which if they had admitted the possibility, they would have been forced to resign, admitting they were blind guides. If any Christian leader at that time had suggested that sinners would never go to heaven, the sinning emperors would have immediately executed them and replaced them with those who supported the false gospel of the adulterated church, now the whore of Babylon.
How is one freed from sin? By repentance through the inward cross of self-denial: that repentance and release from bondage of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. Luke 24:47. How does one repent? First, by John the Baptist's simple message of beginning repentance:
If you comply with the above, you show your commitment to following the way of the Lord. Then you must go to the Lord, to wait on him, to listen, in silence, with humility, to hear his spoken words to you, and then obey; in this way He will show you what else to repent from. For the Lord has to show us the secret sins of our heart:
As you listen to the Lord on a daily habit, and obey him, he removes the sins that he shows you in your heart, one at a time; until you are pure and free from all sin.

But because to be born again and be free from sin requires one to lose their selfish life on the inward cross of self-denial, people rush to believe the false teachers describing the broad, easy way, that seems right, but leads to destruction.

Lie Number 3. By believing in Jesus, you receive God's salvation by grace instantly.
Grace does not instantly save anyone. The real operation of grace is a teaching process of repentance from lusts, to being purified from sin, to godly living in purity, which leads to seeing Jesus bring your salvation at the end of the process of repentance and teaching. Here is the definition of grace by Paul from Titus 2:11-14:
Christendom started teaching the lie of instant salvation, excusing sin by grace 2000 years ago, and the itching ears of the world embraced it with heaps of teachers and preachers, just like Paul predicted. By grace we are saved, but only after we have listened to and obeyed the Lord over time. Below is a close examination of the definition of grace above:
Grace has appeared to all men. Grace is the Spirit of Jesus, which has appeared to all men:
The grace of God, (Jesus Christ) appears to bring salvation, (but not to all men):
Good and upright is the LORD; therefore he will instruct sinners in the way.
He will guide the meek in what is right and he will teach the humble his way. Psalm 25:8-9

However when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. For he shall not speak of himself, but he shall only speak what he hears; and he will show you things to come. John 16:13

This is what the Lord, your protector, the Holy One of Israel says:
I am the LORD your God, who teaches you how to succeed, who leads you by the way that you should go. Isa 48:17

But the anointing that you have received from him abides in you, and you do not need any man to teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you all things, and is truth, and is no lie; and even as it has taught you, abide in him. 1 John 2:27

I will instruct you and teach you in the way that you shall go; I will guide you with my eye. Psalm 32:8

Cease trusting in any man, whose breath is in his nostrils, for of what value is he?.. ‘but look to me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God and there is no other.’ Isa 2:22, 45:22

It is written in the prophets, 'And they shall all be taught by God.' Every man therefore who has heard, and has learned from the Father, comes to me. John 6:45

You must not walk as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind,
having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God
through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart.
Who being past feeling [pangs of conscience], have given themselves over to fleshly indulgences,
to work all impurities with greediness.
But you have learned differently from Christ;
Assuming you have actually heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus. Eph 4:17-21

But the Comforter, who is the Holy Spirit and whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things. John 14:26
who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity [lawless deeds, sin],
Believing in Jesus does not result in instant salvation, as Paul ten times emphasizes addressing believers in the churches:
  1. Now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. Rom 13:11.
  2. Continue to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Phil 2:12.
  3. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for a helmet, the hope of salvation. 1 Thes 5:8.
  4. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing; but to us who are being saved the cross is the power of God. 1 Cor 1:18, (While in the inward cross of self-denial, you will see the sin slowly disappear from your life until you are free of sin.)
  5. Godly sorrow produces repentance that leads to salvation. 2 Cor 7:10.
  6. Do not grieve the holy Spirit of God, by whom you are sealed unto the day of redemption [future happening]. Eph 4:30.
    (Paul is speaking to believers in the church who have not yet been redeemed.)
  7. For we are the sweet aroma of Christ unto God, to those who are being saved. 2 Cor 2:15.
  8. For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold firm the beginning of our confidence to the end. Heb 3:14.
  9. We desire that every one of you show the same diligence in realizing the full assurance of hope to the end.
    So that you are not slothful, but followers of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Heb 6:11-12
  10. For you need patience, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise. Heb 10:36.
    (The will of God is to totally obey Christ, who will deliver you from sin to righteousness - purity - holiness, and the kingdom.)
And Peter echoes the same message that salvation is not just believing or faith, rather salvation is the end of faith's obedient journey:
Salvation is to be delivered from sin, and it occurs when you experience the grace of God (Christ) bring it to you, when Christ destroys the selfish spirit in you by the spirit in his mouth and by the brightness of his coming, when he crushes the head of Satan under your feet, Rom 16:20. To believe is to obey; if you are not obedient, your belief is only the hypocrites' lip service. Obedience leads to receiving the Holy Spirit. Obedience leads to righteousness. Obedience leads to salvation.

Christendom's false instant salvation from an altar call and/or water baptism is a colossal lie to fool you.
Read the fine print of God's contract: the warnings of exclusion, the requirements, and qualifying conditions.
For more on what is grace, see True Grace vs. False Grace.
Lie Number 4. The word of God is the scriptures
For the word of God is quick [living] and powerful [active].
The Bible is not living and active, but words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63
So the Word of God is the Living Word, the spirit of Christ, the word of God that lives and lasts forever. 1 Pet 1:23
Sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow;
A book is not a two edged sword, but Jesus had in his right hand seven stars; and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword; and his countenance was like the sun shining at full strength. Rev 1:16
A book, or words read from a book, cannot divide soul and spirit, but Christ, the Living Word of God does.
It judges the thoughts and intents of the heart.
The Bible cannot judge your heart; but Christ, the Word of God, can and does! I am He who searches the minds and the hearts. Rev 2:23, Rom 8:27, Jer 17:10, 1 Chron 28:9.
The Bible is not the Word of God. It is not living or active. It cannot judge your heart, penetrate you, or change you.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The word was made flesh, and dwelt in us.
This is Jesus. He was clothed in a garment dipped in blood; and his name is called the Word of God. Rev. 19:13
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Eph 6:17
Yes a sword will pierce through your own soul also, that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. Luke 2:35. Out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword; and his countenance was like the sun shining at full strength. Rev 1:16.
So, the sword of the spirit is not the Bible, it is the spoken words from the mouth by the Spirit of Christ, the Word of God.
Why is it important to know the Word of God is the Spirit of God, not a book? Let me illustrate the problem, with just four of the many verses that will be totally misapplied, if you think the Word is the Bible.
If you think this means hearing someone read the Bible, you have missed the possibility of seeking to hear from God yourself. You will have missed the blessing. You will have missed salvation. You must seek - listen - and obey to find any blessing from God.
From the Voice of the Lord:
"Calling the Bible the word is the most evil lie of Christendom."
Rather than listening to the infinite wisdom of the Lord, Christendom is reading about him.
The words I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63
The letter [the Bible] kills, but the spirit gives life. 2 Cor 3:6
"The world hides in the Bible."
Reading the Bible is a substitute for having God teach you, examine your heart, reprove you, and cleanse you.
The world hides from Christ, the Living Word who judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Rev 2:23, Rom 8:27, Eph 5:13
It hides from Christ the Light, who brings to light the hidden things of darkness and exposes the motives of your hearts. 1 Cor 4:5
How sad that we think we are seeking God by reading the Bible, but He sees us as hiding from Him.
We are covering our nakedness with the Bible and hiding in the tree of knowledge. Gen 2:16-17, 3:1-10

"Woe be to them, for they have coupled an external form between the love of God to man,"
The gospel is the ministering of the Spirit to man, which only occurs by listening, hearing, and obeying his spoken words to you. The words he speaks to you are spirit and they impart the life of God. John 6:63
Christendom has substituted reading the Bible for listening to God, thus separating man from the love of God.

"Studying the Bible is like studying the Law."

"I am concerned for the people have gone back into the Bible and thus minister to themselves."

"Most problems come from reading the Bible without correct understanding."

"God is not found going to services or reading about him."
You search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life...
But you will not come to me, so that you might have life. John 5:39-40
Paul is not talking about Christ sanctifying his Church with the Bible, when he says: That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. You must go to him, listen, hear and obey continually, to be cleansed or ever be sanctified.
The Holy Spirit will teach you all things. John 14:26. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. John 16:13. You will know all things by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and need no man to teach you. 1 John 2:20,27. He desires to teach you individual, personal things about yourself, and how he wants you to live, how he wants you to improve, what he wants you to deny - as well as encourage you, tell you of his love for you, and open up the scriptures to you, including the mysteries. If you limit yourself to reading the Bible, you will only get crumbs beneath the table - and you will not see your salvation.

If you think the Holy Spirit teaches you when you read the Bible, ask yourself this:
2) If you can learn from the Holy Spirit by reading the Bible, why, with millions of people reading the Bible every day, are there 30,000 different sects in Christendom today, each with a different opinion as to what the Bible means; when the purpose of the Holy Spirit is one faith, all to be in the unity of the Spirit?
The word in the heart is the Spirit of God. The word in the heart discloses all the mysteries of God, none of which are explained in scripture; the word in the heart will eventually show you the events described in the scriptures; the Spirit in your heart speaks to you about the particular details of your life, teaching you what to deny in your life, giving your incremental steps in some denials, encouraging your successes, reminding you of your slips, telling you that God loves you, telling you of your salvation to come; the scripture can do none of this. The word from the Spirit, the word within your heart, speaks in words that it knows you will totally understand, so there is no ambiguity in the mind of the listener; the word within speaks with reminders of your life's experiences helping you understand each message. However, when man reads a scripture, he is using his carnal mind, which is enmity with God, to interpret what he has read. This carnal mind is the same mind that speaks, beyond yes and no, from the evil one. The evil mind reading scripture has created 30,000 sects of Christendom, each with differing opinions of what the scriptures really mean. Clearly the word of God, who is the spirit of Christ in your heart, is not scriptures.

When the Spirit communicates to a man, the Spirit has access to every experience, every sight, every sound, every word, every thought, every feeling that man has had in his life; and the Spirit uses those experiences to illustrate his teachings. Plus the Spirit is aware of every man's language, dialect, and understanding of vocabulary; so the Spirit speaks to a man in precisely understandable language tailored exactly for that man. And the Spirit speaks with inflections of love, kindness, firmness, etc. There is no comparison between reading the Bible, however wonderful it is, and hearing the infinite wisdom of God expressed to you in language, often accompanied by visions, that communicate precisely and instantly a message, teaching, or command.

The Spirit of God teaches us how to live soberly, godly, and righteously in this present world. Realize the world changes, and changes quickly. The Bible does not keep up with those changes, but the Spirit of God does, recognizing all the changes man's environment and teaching him what to deny and how to live.

Remember Paul? The New Testament didn't even exist; but Christ, who had been crucified and risen to heaven, taught him everything, by his voice from his mouth and a message from his lips. Christ wants to teach you everything too, but in his own order. When you are quiet, and waiting, while listening and watching for the teacher, the Spirit of Christ will speak to you. We continually get reports from those who hear, many from those who have read the way to hear him from this web site. It is only common sense, which we have forgotten: to listen to anyone, we have to be quiet; add the power of his name to think on, and we are on the narrow way that few will find.

And don’t presume you are being taught when reading the Bible, for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life. When you are taught by the Spirit of God, you hear the Voice of the Lord speaking to you, in your own language, about your personal, specific, and unique defects in your heart, which are exposed, shown, and then removed, providing you acknowledge the Voice as truth and coming from God. You must hear and obey the spoken word from the Spirit of God: The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63. The letter kills, but the spirit gives life. 2 Cor 3:6. The Lord's spoken words heard by you are the sharp sword in his mouth, which circumcises your heart, as you obey his will and forsake your own.

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the visible things were not made from anything we can see. Heb 11:3. To think the Bible framed the worlds is ridiculous, and so it is ridiculous to call the Bible the word; that leads you to study the Bible instead of listening to the Holy Spirit, who will eventually teach you all the scriptures and mysteries, including showing the events in the Bible.

For more on this subject, read My Sheep Hear My Voice.
Lie Number 5. Scripture proves I am born again because I believe Jesus is the Christ.
So John is saying: if you have been born of God: 1) you love God, 2) you love your fellow believers, 3) you keep God's commands [are obedient], and 4) you have overcome the world. John tells us who really believes that Jesus in the Son of God: he who has overcome the world, by fighting the good fight of faith, to victory over sin. He who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself ... He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. John5:10,12. To have the Son, is to possess the Son and Father in your heart, in sufficient measure to be your true Lord in control of your thoughts, words, and deeds. If you have been born again, you know Him to be in total control of you; you don't have to search the scriptures to think that you have eternal life.

Another huge error is to assume a spiritual experience is to be born again - when it is only your wake up call - only God's visitation to you, giving you a hunger for more of him, and motivating you to seek him with your whole heart - to seek to see his face and be in his presence continually.
John tells us further who has been born again:
Once the Lord has purified us and united with us, we are born again to become an entirely new creature, old things pass away, and all things become new. From George Fox's, The Mystery of the Great Whore Unfolded:
The apostle said they were ‘made free from sin.’ And ‘let not sin have dominion over your mortal bodies;’ mind, ‘mortal bodies,’ which sin was not to have dominion over. And ‘old things pass away, and all things become new.’ Sin is an old thing, from the old deceiver. So while any sin is standing, all things are not made new, and sin has its dominion.
To be born of the Spirit is to first have died to the selfish nature on the inward cross of self denial. You must loose your life to save it. You must become an entirely new creature, with a new heart and new mind. This does not happen with reading scripture, saying a prayer, getting wet, or saying Jesus is Lord. If you are born again, your lust and desires have been crucified to the death of your sinful nature, the old man of the flesh, on the inward cross of self denial. Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God. 1 John 3:9. This is the final judgment, the Day of the Lord, which occurs to individuals who have prepared the way of the Lord. The true baptism of the Holy Spirit: into the death of Christ, the circumcision of putting off the body of sins. The sharing of his death. And when your selfish spirit has died on the inward cross of self-denial, then Christ joins in the marriage of the Lamb with your soul, and you are born again; as Jesus is resurrected in you to be your true Lord. 2 Cor 4:14, Rom 8:11, Col 2:11-12, 3:1, Eph 2:6
There must be "a coming into his death, a suffering with Christ;" and this is of necessity to salvation;
and not temporarily, but continually: there must be a
"dying daily."
For more on this subject, see To Be Born Again,You Must First Die to Self.
Lie Number 6. Faith is to believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
So we go to him and listen for His voice and watch for what He shows us about ourselves and what is in our heart.
If you love the Light and Word as Christ, you obey and repent from anything evil shown to you; and you are changed for the better.
Loving and obeying the Word that shows you your condition, you are acknowledging this Teacher within you as Christ.
When you hear, and believe He who is speaking to you to be the Christ, you have "received" Christ.
Just like when Christ asked Peter, "whom do you say I am," and Peter replied: 'You are Christ, the Son of the Living God.'
Christ then said: Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for flesh and blood not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.
And I say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church; and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
Mat 16:15-8
- the rock solid understanding that he who speaks to you is the Son of God; and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

Now look what Jesus further says about how rock solid applies to us:
Whoever comes to me, and listens to my words and does [practices, obeys] them, I will show you what he is like.
He is like a man who built a house, and dug deep and laid the foundation securely built on a rock;
and when the flood arose, the torrent beat violently upon that house, but could not shake it because it was founded on a rock.
Luke 6:47-48
He builds his Church on a rock solid foundation. He builds himself in you on a rock solid foundation.
If you go to Him (within you), listen to his words, and then obey them, you have identified the speaker as Christ -
just like Peter did in the physical realm, except your identification of Christ is in the spiritual realm within you.
Notice he says comes to me, (not Bible study, not sect meetings, not Bible reading - Him), listen to his words (not listen to someone reading the Bible), and do [practice] whatever he tells you to do. This is personal teaching by the Teacher, Christ. When you really believe that he who you hear speaking to you is Christ, you have just accepted him; you have acknowledged and received him. And he says, this results in building the true foundation that will not be shaken or moved, nor can the gates of Hell prevail against us as we exit. And from those who have this true foundation, he builds his Body of Christ, his true Church, of true believers who recognize him within them to be the Son of God. The correct foundation is very important and key to your potential growth. Your foundation must come from Christ himself, the personal author of true faith; Christ must create your faith in him being in your heart, to love you, to teach you, to change you. Christ in you, the hope of glory. Col 1:27. And after a time, you will see Christ appear in your heart: For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 cor 4:6. You will see him in ever increasing glory.

So to receive Christ and become a true believer, we must privately get quiet, think on the name of Jesus, and then listen and watch. Then we must believe the words we hear and conditions shown by the Light to be from Christ; and believing they are from Christ, we repent or obey what we are told to do; thus we have become a true believer. Until this happens, we have only believed and had faith in the historical record of Christ; whether from the Bible or the history books. Such faith is not of a true believer. When we receive instructions from the word within, (the Holy Spirit), and obey, our flesh will be mortified; and then we are led by the spirit. Those led by the Spirit are the sons of God. Rom 8:13-14.
In Galatians, Paul says: faith should afterwards be revealed, 3:23. Paul speaks of God revealing faith; so faith comes when Jesus, the author of faith, reveals it to a man, ( by revelation) Gal 3:23, which faith then free us from the law as our schoolmaster. Gal 3:24. In Gal 5:18, he says: if (and when) you are led (prompted, ordered, commanded) by the Spirit, you are not under the law. So he has defined faith to being in obedience to the Spirit's leading. So faith comes, by hearing the word within your heart, which is revelation from Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, and then to follow the commands heard from the Spirit of God, from the Lord. This is a major clarification of the definition of faith, as Paul further tells us the he preaches the word of faith which is in our hearts and mouths, and faith comes by hearing the word; and Jesus says, Blessed are those who hear the word of God and "keep" it, such "keeping" (to practice, obey), results in the love of God being perfected in a man: But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. 1 John 2:5. So faith is to hear the word within, and believe it to be the Son of God speaking to you, and then to keep it [obey it, practice it], repeatedly — which yields the blessing of the perfected love of God within you, and you to be in Christ and God.

Christendom would have you believe that hearing someone read the words of the Bible is hearing the word of God, and if you believe them, you are a "believer." But this only results in belief of a historical fact written in a book and faith in the words in a book. Yet Paul has just told us that faith comes from hearing the word, who is Jesus, which word is in our heart; so to have real faith, you must hear from within and believe whom you hear, to be the Son of God; and believe enough to completely obey him. For Jesus became the Author and Source of eternal salvation to all those who heed and obey Him. Heb 5:9
Faith is a journey in a series of revelations. It has a beginning and a finish; listening to, and obeying Jesus, is him being the author and finisher of your faith. When you hear him speak to you and identify him to be Jesus by his revelation, Jesus authors your faith by laying the foundation of your faith on rock;
And Peter describes the necessity of making every effort to progress in the journey of faith:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in [depends on, trusts, obeys] him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16. This is the most popularly quoted verse in the Bible, BUT it is quoted out of context without the companion verses that qualify its meaning to be totally the opposite of how people interpret it, when looked at alone. Many call this verse "an entire Bible in itself." Unfortunately they are wrong.
Let's look further at all the verses after John 3:16, which also totally change the traditional interpretation:
Whoever continues to commit evil [sin] loves darkness, and is condemned - whatever they might believe.
He does not come to the light [the light of the Word, Jesus] , for fear his evil deeds will be exposed and reproved, (judged).
He wants to continue his selfish lifestyle, his life of evil, and so he rejects and hates the light [which is Christ].
He loves the darkness, where his deeds are not exposed as evil, so he rejects the light and hates the light, which is Christ.
Like the demons, he can think that Christ is the Son of God;
but because he loves his lifestyle, and hates the Light's conviction of it,
he withdraws from the light, into the comfort of darkness, where there is no disapproval;
and so he is condemned. Whatever he says he believes with his mouth - his actions betray his words.
If he believed in the light, he would obey the light. If he believed in Christ, he would obey Christ.
To believe is to obey. Obedience leads to receiving the Holy Spirit. Obedience leads to righteousness. Obedience leads to salvation.
James corrected this shortcut of believing in Jesus, being all that is necessary for salvation, writing to the Jewish Christians: "You say you believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe, and tremble," James 2:19; realize, James was writing to Jewish believers of the Father, the Word (Son), and the Holy Spirit being one spirit, and without conflict to - Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one. Deu 6:4. So James is in effect saying, "you say you believe in Jesus, you do well, the demons do too, but they tremble at his name - do you?" James further says to vain Jewish Christians who think that belief is all that is needed:
And Paul thoroughly agrees with James, when he says:
For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision, nor uncircumcision benefits anything; but faith, which is energized and demonstrated by works through love. Gal 5:6
Faith must be demonstrated by works, energized by love; obedience to the promptings of the Spirit of God's direction is the love of God.
For more on the subject of faith and belief, see The Fallacy of John 3:16, Taken Out of Context.
Lie Number 7. Because I believe in Jesus, and I do not have to obey any law because the law is dead.
Below is the first scripture quoted to make you think the law is dead to you and so you don't have to obey any of the law:
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made Paul free from the law of sin and death. What is the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus? It is the law that the Spirit of life (the Spirit of Christ) writes in your heart, which are the commands you hear him speak to you; and with your obedience, the Lord writes them in your heart; this occurs one command at a time, which becomes one law at a time written in your heart, just like the Lord promised in Jeremiah:
"But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel. After those days," said the LORD, "I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
And they shall no longer teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them," said the LORD, "for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." Jer 31:33-34

When the Lord has finished writing his complete law in your heart, you then become free from the law of sin and death. His words that he speaks to you, (which you must hear and obey), are spirit and impart the life of God:
The Lord's spoken words, heard by you, are the sharp sword in his mouth, which circumcise your heart, as you obey his will and forsake your own. As you listen to the Lord and obey his commands, your receive additional spirit and life, which is to become changed, until finally the Lord's changing grace has created a new creature, who walks in obedience to the Spirit's continual prompting, energized by the Spirit to speak and perform works to the glory of the Lord. Then, and not before, you are free from the law of sin and death; until completely controlled by the Spirit, as you follow Jesus, (obeying his spoken commands to you), you also must continue to obey the moral core of the law: restricting you from murder, lying, stealing, coveting, hating your neighbor, or denigrating your parents.
The second scripture quoted to make you think the law is dead to you and so you don't have to obey any of the law is:
But as discussed in Lie Number 6 above, faith is not a belief in the historical accuracy of the Bible or mental assent to Jesus being the Son of God; faith comes from hearing the word of God, which word is in the heart, and was the word of faith the Apostles preached:
1) to believe the words you hear spoken to you in your heart are truth,
2) to believe the source of the truth is Christ, who is the word in your heart, and who is the truth, and
3) obedience — in fear of God's disapproval for disobedience — or to want to please God, respecting his virtue and not wishing to disappoint him.
You persistent obedient faith to what you hear spoken to you results in the purification of your heart and soul by the grace of God.
After you have been cleansed of sin, and have become pure - then, and only then, you are filled with love and walk fully under the control of God, in love and with the fruit of the Spirit - against which there is no law. From the Voice of the Lord: "There are no laws when you are under complete control of the spirit; you walk in love in obedience as prompted — you don't walk in restricted flesh."

This is a glorious liberty of the sons of God, who walk by the Law of Liberty. But before you are a son of God, enjoying Christian Freedom, walking under control of the Holy Spirit in love, (which there is no law against), you must be first crucified on the inward cross of self-denial, to become pure, to produce the fruit of the Spirit. Then you walk in love.
The law was given to the fallen descendants of Adam, who had lost the guidance and life of God; but when a man has been changed by God's power to walk in love as prompted by God, there is no law needed and no law that applies. When you walk as prompted by God, you are fulfilling the law; you are walking beyond total compliance with the law because:
  1. Obviously God is not going to command you to do anything that violates his law, and
  2. You are not walking according to restriction, but according to guidance, to say and do the virtuous things that God prompts you do do.
Only when you are guided by the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, (prompted with thoughts, words and deeds by the Spirit,) can you claim the scripture of freedom: For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Rom 8:2. To be free from the law, you first have to be restored into the spiritual image of God, putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of your heart, the circumcision of Christ; to those, the law is dead. Your heart is circumcised by the Lord's spoken words heard by you, which words are the sharp sword in his mouth that cuts away the sin out of your heart as you obey his will and forsake your own.
And when you are purified, under complete control of the Spirit of God, you are prompted by God to do works to his glory, which obviously do not transgress any law of God. From the Word of God within my heart: "As you are striving to conduct yourselves in loving obedience," you must not lie, not commit adultery, not be covetous, not murder, not steal, honor your mother and father, and love your neighbor as yourself; just like Jesus told us what we needed to do:
As you hear and obey [practice, keep] what you hear him speak to you, he writes his law on your heart:
"I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
And they shall no longer teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them," said the LORD, "for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." Jer 31:33-34

A man whose speech and actions are directed by the Spirit of God, never transgresses his creator's laws, and his life is to the glory of his creator.
Lie Number 8. I am saved by faith, and absolutely no works are required of me, based on the misinterpretation of the following scriptures, taken out of context:
Notice! Paul is speaking of works of the Law.
Paul is speaking about works of the law that died: circumcision, food and drink, days, washings, Sabbaths, sacrifices, etc.
Paul is speaking about works of voluntary humility and those not prompted by God.
Works a man decides to do himself that are without the Spirit's direction, are dead works:
But there are works of life that God prompts a man to do, man having listened in silence and heard the Lord speak to him; which works are essential. These are works of love for God and man, energized by faith, (hearing what the Lord prompts you to do.)
For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision, nor uncircumcision benefits anything; but faith, which is energized and demonstrated by works through love. 1 Cor 3:13. These works are not dead works or works of the law, but works that originate from the life of God.
What are works of love that demonstrate faith? works that God orders you to do; works of obedience to his spoken words that you hear him speak to you in your heart.
If you love me, you will obey my commands.
And Jesus answered and said to him, "If a man loves me, he will keep my words [obey me, practice my teachings]; and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and make our home with him [in his heart].
He who doesn't love me, does not keep [and obey] my teachings; and the teachings that you hear are not mine, but are the Father's who sent me. John 14:15,23,24

It is works of love in faith that must be performed. Works without love count for nothing:
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could move mountains, and do not have love, I am nothing.
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and do not have love, it profits me nothing. 1 Cor 13:2-3

The beginning of works of love are acts of repentance; without such works ordered by the Spirit of God in spoken words to you, there is absolutely no spiritual progress:
And John the Baptist told us what kind of things we must do to demonstrate our desire to please God and depart from evil:
Paul did not say that you can ignore the moral code of the law - to be unloving, immoral, greedy, given to pleasures, lying, angry, etc.
James said:
While you are waiting on faith to come, which is to hear the Lord speak to you in your heart, you must obey the law which is summed up the golden rule: Therefore in all things, whatever you desire that others should do to you, you do the same to them, for this is the law and the prophets. Mat 7:12, Rom 13:8-10, Gal 5:14, Lev19:18 - strive to always obey this.
When you can hear the Spirit of God speak to you in your heart, you show your love to him by your obedient faith:
Peter said: whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him. Acts 10:35
Peter again: make every effort to add to your faith virtue.. knowledge.. self control.. perseverance .. godliness. 2 Pet 1:5-6
Jesus said, Unless you repent, all of you will all also perish. Luke 13:3. Repentance requires effort on your part.
And, As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Be zealous therefore, and repent. Rev 3:19 (Zealous means filled with ardent desire, enthusiastic).
Jesus further said, Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me. Mat 11:29
Jesus said, If any man desires to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23
Jesus said, I have not found your works perfect before God. Rev 3:2-3. He wants perfect works, energized by faith.
Hear! Jesus said: Strive to enter in at the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter, and will not be able to.  Luke 13:24, Mat 7:13-14
The gospel of grace would have you believe striving is unnecessary, yet Jesus ordered us to strive, (to make every effort),
Jesus further says, Narrow is the gate and compressed is the way that leads to life,
and there are few who find it...For many will try to enter and not be able to.
Don't Jesus' warnings seriously conflict with instant grace?
Gentle reader - heed what Jesus is saying. Your having said a sinner's prayer and gotten wet is not hard to find or do.

But he who practices truth [who does what is right] comes to the light, so that his deeds may be shown to have been produced [effected, formed, prompted, energizes] through God. John 3:21. A true believer does truth, or practices truth - does what is right. (He is finished with sin, doing what is wrong.) A believer comes to the light, (without fear) to show that his deeds (or works) have been: produced through God; or divinely effected, formed, prompted, and energized.
After you are purified and under complete control of God's direction and prompting, you are guided to works by him; works which show the love of God to man and which bring glory to Jesus and the Father. God's grace and salvation are provided to create a people dedicated to good works:
Even the final judgment of all men is based on works:
Works of faith are essential to attaining salvation, which only occurs to those who are obedient to the commands of the Spirit of Christ, which is working out your salvation:
Not only are works of obedient love required, but you must make ever effort, and you must even produce perfect works:
Lie Number 9. There is no need for you to carry a cross because Jesus did it all for you; bow to the cross or wear one to witness your faith.
Jesus tells us six times that we must pick up our cross and follow him. But Christendom doesn't understand how to do it, so the scriptures are ignored. The only cross in Christendom is on the wall or jewelry. Christendom either bows to a cross on the wall, which is idolatry, or wears a cross of jewelry for show; both denigrating the meaning of the cross of Christ.
Yet, the cross is necessary to destroy the sinful nature in man for the cross unleashes the power of God to allow Jesus to destroy that sinful nature. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing; but to us who are being saved the cross is the power of God. 1 Cor 1:18. To Christendom, it is foolishness to think you must carry a cross to the death of your sinful nature; Christendom is therefore perishing.

Even before Jesus went to the cross himself, he told us that we must carry our cross to follow him or to be his disciple. He died a horrible death on the cross as an example to us — to show us the degree of obedience required to kill our sinful nature on the cross: so that the world may know that I love the Father, I only do exactly as the Father has instructed me to do. John 14:31.
Christendom ignores the scriptures about the cross being required. Paul spoke of Christians who ignored the cross:
For many walk, of whom I have often told you, and now tell you weeping, who are the enemies of the cross of Christ;
Their end is destruction, their God is the belly, and whose glory is their shame, and they think on earthly things. Phil 3:18-19

Christendom has adulterated with the world. The members of Christendom serve their lusts and affections, their pleasures and passions, their pride and possessions; they think on earthly things. Therefore their end is destruction.
The cross is to follow Jesus, and you follow Jesus by listening to His word in your heart, hearing Him, and obeying Him. How else are you going to follow Jesus? You can't follow him reading the Bible. He can only lead you with instructions tailored to your individual circumstances. To be led you must humbly get quiet to listen, then you must wait to hear Him, then you must obey Him. Self-denial with obedience to the Lord's voice is the cross. Obeying his commands is doing his will, like thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Until you can hear and obey him, you must do your best to obey the moral core of the law: don't steal, don't lie, don't covet, don't commit adultery, forgive, do for others as you would have them do for you, etc. Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, [and obey] and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies promised to David. Isa 55:3, Luke 6:46-49. Blessed is the man who hears me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. Proverbs 8:34, Luke 11:28.
Belief in the true hope and the cross, to realize the promise, releases the power of God to purify you and make you one with Him. The cross of Christ, which is the power of God, crucifies your sinful nature and selfish will through repentance as follows:
Here is how the power of God destroys the sin in your heart: We go to the Lord, to wait on him, to listen, in silence, with humility, to hear his spoken words to us , and then we obey. The Lord has to show us the secret sins of our heart. Once we see the sins, if we accept his gentle convictions, and change our behavior, the Lord's spirit then removes even the desire to sin from our hearts. In this way we are purified from all sin by the Lord. The removal is God's grace; grace shows us our sins and then removes them.
For more on why the cross is necessary, see The Missing Cross. For more on how to pick up your cross and follow Jesus, see How to Receive the Changing Power of God.
Lie Number 10. You will never be able to stop sinning while on the earth.
And John told us of the success of the early Christians:
To believe this lie, you have to ignore scores of other scriptures that speak of the necessity of perfection, holiness, and purity. Let's start with a few:
Therefore, be perfect, even as your Father who is in heaven is perfect. Mat 5:48

Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom, so that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. Col 1:28

For by one offering he has forever totally cleansed and perfected those who are sanctified and made holy. Heb 10:14

And he appointed [explicitly gave gifted offices with his authority to] some as apostles; and some as prophets; and some as evangelists; and some as pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ;
Until we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Eph 4:11-13

But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."
Since you call on a Father who judges each man's work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. 1 Pet 1:15-17

Follow peace with all men and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. Heb 12:14

For of this you can be sure, that no sexually immoral, or impure, or covetous person, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words. For because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Eph 5:5-6

Beloved, now we are the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we will be, but we know that when he appears, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is. And every man who has this hope in him purifies himself, even as He [Jesus] is pure. 1 John 3:2-3

But whoever keeps his word [obeys the Lord's commands spoken to him], truly the love of God is perfected in him; by this we know that we are in him. 1 John 2:5
Then he spoke a parable to them, "Can the blind lead the blind? Shall they not both fall into a ditch? Luke 3:39
     [How do we know who is blind? The next verses tells us that a blind guide is someone who has not been
     perfected; who therefore cannot see to take the spec out of his brother's eye, and evil comes from his
The disciple is not above his master, but everyone who is perfect [purified, restored to the spiritual image of God, specifically authorized, and perfected] will be like his master. Luke 6:40
     [If you are following an unperfected minister, you have been led into the ditch. Unperfected ministers seek
     their own glory
and your money. Jesus told us to leave the unperfected, thus blind, guides, which blindness
     he further discusses in next verses.]
Why do you look at the spec that is in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the log that is in your own eye?
Or how can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take out the spec that is in your eye,' when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the spec that is in your brother's eye. Luke 6:41-42

     [Until you are perfected, to become like the master, able to speak words supplied by the Holy Spirit,
     you cannot help other people rid themselves of their sinful nature. If you think you can without having
     been taught, perfected, authorized, sent, and prompted as to what to say, you are blind.]
For a good tree does not bring forth corrupt fruit; neither does a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
For every tree is known by his own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorn bushes, nor do men gather grapes from a bramble bush.
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil. For out of the overflow of the heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:43-45

Who is the good man? the perfected man. Who is the evil man? the unperfected disciple, who is blind, who leads into the ditch and destruction.
(Click here to see more scriptures that show holiness, purity, and perfection required.)
Full of blind guides, Christendom has lost the hope, they have lost the power to be changed, they have lost the faith, they have lost the promise, and so they don't believe. They remain hopelessly locked in their sins, in unbelief: Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand. Dan 12:10
Be perfect, even as your Father who is in heaven is perfect, Mat 5:48. Notice, Jesus has left no wiggle room for the definition of be perfect, which he has commanded us to become. He doesn't say as perfect as is humanly possible. He doesn't say almost perfect. He doesn't say kind of perfect. He says: as perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect — a definitive qualification of perfect — an unarguable perfection. Now, Jesus doesn't lie; Jesus doesn't exaggerate. So, if he told us to be perfect, even as your Father who is in heaven is perfect, then it must be possible, and it is possible. So kill (deaden, deprive of power) the evil desire lurking in your members: sexual vice, impurity, sensual appetites, unholy desires, and all greed and covetousness, for that is idolatry. Col 3:5. For by mercy and love, truth and fidelity, iniquity is purged out of the heart, Pro 16:6; — with obedience leading to righteousness. Rom 6:16.
The purpose of the ministers, (if specifically trained and appointed by Holy Spirit), is for the perfection of the saints, Eph 4:11-13 - nothing else - for the perfection of the saints. As Paul said: Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom, so that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. Col 1:28. To deny perfection is: 1) to deny the purpose of the ministry, as well 2) to deny the scriptures as accurate, true, and divinely inspired.
Through your fleshly efforts, many of Jesus' commands are impossible to completely obey, no matter how hard you try; complete obedience to all his commands is only possible by your going to God to be changed, by the cleansing and purifying power of God - through the inward cross of self-denial. Christendom has no power because they don't understand the gospel, which is the power of God; they don't understand the cross, which is the power of God; and they don't understand the power of his name. Christendom is without power, practicing a form (hollow shell) of godliness; exactly what Paul warned about. 2 Timothy 3:5. But by the power of God, (faith in the true promises), you can be changed to be able to completely keep all of Jesus' commands, to fulfill the law, to establish the law, to become perfect, to become pure, to become holy - by believing in his true promises and going to him to silently listening - hear and obey. But until you do, you always be locked into the slavery of sin, unable to love like he has commanded us, unable to show the love of God to the world, unable to be a true disciple of Christ, with no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ. To listen and obey what you hear the Lord command you, results in the Spirit mortifying the sin in your flesh; until finally the Lord appears to completely destroy the residual spirit of Satan that is in your heart, when he appears to bruise the head of Satan under your feet, (a personal experience), Rom 16:20, and destroy him with the brightness of his coming and consume him with the spirit of his mouth (the sharp, two-edged sword).
From George Fox's Cambridge Journal:
If you wait in what is pure in you, you will find and see, because God has given you a measure of his spirit, by which you can comprehend things and see the deceits. Now when the mind goes forth from that pure measure, which lets you see deceits, the simplicity is ensnared, and God is not in your thoughts any more; instead, the son of perdition in you sits in the temple of God, where he ought not to sit. With the birth of the Lord [in you], this son of perdition is discovered, and with the brightness of the Lord's coming [in you], he is consumed; that man of sin is revealed [in you], and so shall you witness the scriptures fulfilled. But you must wait in that which is pure, which will show you when your mind departs into disobedience, setting up Baal's priests (outward) before God, and that brings a distraction in the mind where there is a halting between two (you and God); for all of the troubles are without in the world, but Christ said that "in me you shall have perfect peace." Wait in Christ and mind him in yourself, (there is where you wait for his appearing). Keep focused inward, (stay seeking Christ within yourself), and do not follow the cries of lo Christ is here and lo Christ is there to distract you to outward seeking, you will have peace in a short time. You will later witness Christ, who is the substance of the prophets and apostles. The scriptures are shown to you within you (by Christ) to guide you to the Father, the Lord God of heaven and earth. By waiting for the Spirit of the Lord within you to guide your mind, you will find your strength renewed daily by the one Spirit that gave forth the scriptures. There is no confusion, but instead perfect peace. This Spirit baptizes into the one body, and this Spirit is the unity of the saints, who though absent in body, yet are present in Spirit, all being made to drink into one Spirit. This Spirit circumcises and puts off the body of sin from you, and you are sanctified through your obedience to the Spirit. You will come to witness the scriptures pure and clear, as they are without any mixture [of man's interpretations], as holy men possessed them and gave them forth. So holy men possess them and give them forth again and witness them again.
Here are several of the extensive writings on this subject available on this site:
If you search the scriptures trying to prove to yourself that you have eternal life, you can find verses taken out of context that you can use to think you have eternal life; or to prove purity or perfection is impossible (like, even Jesus said he wasn't good) ; thereby convincing yourself there is nothing you have to do to please God except say you believe Jesus is the son of God.

On the other hand, if you:
  • are unhappy still being subject to anger, lust, passions, pleasures, lying, bad habits, etc., or
  • want to have a closer relationship with God, or
  • want peace - quietness, confidence, assurance with trust forever, or
  • want to be pleasing to God, whatever the cost, or
  • want God to run your life, instead of you continue to make mistakes, or
  • want to be doing God's will, not your own,
you will search for how to obtain more of Him than what you have. And you will notice he promises peace, union, and the Kingdom; but you will also notice the many scriptures that show He requires perfection, crucifixion of the sinful nature, deadening the sinful nature, the new mind, the new heart, the entirely new creature, righteousness, purity, and holiness; and then you will start searching for how to arrive at what He requires from you: repentance, your bodies as a living sacrifice, crucified on the inward cross of self-denial, your sinful nature dead, and Christ' spirit completely replacing the sinful nature in your bodies, to live in union with He and God in the Kingdom within while on the earth, and then forever as a son of God. Therefore, leaving the elementary principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God. Heb 6:1
Beware! Do not fall in the trap of pride from judging the errors of Christendom. Realizing the lies, is not knowing the truth; do not take comfort and ease in seeing the pretenses of Christendom. The exposure of the lies only reveals the real path and journey necessary to arrive at the truth, not the truth itself. Now that you know the real path to salvation, you must travel that way, until you arrive in the kingdom, in union with Christ and God, where you no longer see the world by the light of the sun and moon, but by the brighter light of God, seeing through his eyes, seeing the spiritual dimension instead of the physical dimension.

Christendom has more lies than can be covered in this web page. To read more of their amazing and startling lies, along with the rebuttals written by George Fox, see The Great Mystery of the Great Whore Unfolded; and Antichrist’s Kingdom Revealed.
This web site's purpose is to show how to become
free from sin
by benefiting from the changing power of God through the cross,
which leads to union with God in his Kingdom.